LPG Endermologie

Oceania Service

Best LPG Endermologie in

Welcome to our state-of-the-art LPG Endermologie treatment center in Kitchener-Waterloo! We’re dedicated to providing our clients with the latest non-invasive and pain-free technology to help you achieve your desired body shape. Our experienced team of specialists will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that’s tailored to your individual needs. With LPG Endermologie, you can achieve cellulite reduction, body contouring and skin tightening all in one treatment. We’re confident you’ll love the results, and we look forward to helping you achieve your best self.

LPG® endermologie® provides body and face treatments for everyone. It is natural, safe, and effective – delivering visible results in very few sessions.

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Technology Overview

We Specialize in Body Sculpting

As we age, so does our skin. We gain fat (adipose), we lose firmness and suppleness in our skin, and we get dimpling and fat deposits in unwanted areas (cellulite). If there were a way to improve this safely, why wouldn’t we do it? That’s where LPG® endermologie® comes in with its patented technology that is 100% natural and safe!

LPG® endermologie® works on the body to remove cellulite, improve blood circulation and lymphatic flow, firm your skin, release your fat, and improve your overall well-being. What are some of the statistics? Let’s find out:

    • 71% firmer skin in just 3 sessions
    • 67% smoother cellulite in just 3 sessions
    • Waistline reduction of 5.2cm in just 12 sessions

But it’s not just the body, LPG® endermologie® works on the face too!

    • 87% smoother wrinkles just after the first session
    • 70% firmer skin after the first session
    • 80% more hyaluronic acid in the first session
    • 2x better radiant complexion after the first session

All with zero side effects!

Behind the Scenes

How Does LPG endermologie Work?

LPG® has been a pioneer of advanced and patented techniques for the human body for over 30 years. Their focus is on non-invasive technologies for both natural beauty as well as advanced therapeutic treatments. Their devices have been cleared by the FDA since 1999 and comply with all international quality standards. In fact, LPG® endermologie® was the first technology worldwide to gain FDA clearance for the treatment of cellulite!!

LPG Endermologie is a non-invasive and pain-free treatment that utilizes a machine called an Endermologie device. This device uses gentle suction, rollers and controlled pressure to massage the skin and underlying tissues. This massage stimulates the lymphatic and blood circulation, which helps to release stored toxins and excess fluids, and activates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, making the skin firmer and smoother. The device has rollers that roll on the skin, it’s able to create mechanical stimulation, which activates the fat cells (adipocytes) which then release stored fats. It also helps to improve the lymphatic circulation that would reduce the swelling, cellulite and spongy skin.

LPG Endermologie is used to target specific areas of the body where there is cellulite or loose skin. These areas are typically the thighs, hips, stomach, and upper arms. The treatment is typically given twice a week for six to eight weeks, and then once a month to maintain the results. It is considered a safe and effective treatment for reducing cellulite and contouring the body.

To date, 145 studies have been carried out by researchers and professional experts on such diverse topics as: the usefulness of endermologie® both before and after surgical or medical procedures, an evaluation of its effects on gluteo-femoral lipolysis, and fibroblast activity, among others.

There are no known side effects for LPG® endermologie® because the techniques being used are non-aggressive, non-invasive, and have zero downtime. So, is it safe? Yes, it’s backed by scientific studies and client testimonials.

Pricing & Booking

Kitchener-Waterloo LPG Endermologie

At Oceania Esthetics Studio, we are so pleased to be able to offer LPG® endermologie® in Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas. LPG® endermologie® is an FDA-cleared, patented technique that stimulates cells through a reproducible mechanical massage.

It is 100% natural and effective, targeting the connective tissues of the body and face, including skin, muscle, blood and lymphatic circulation. This mechanical massage technique provides a deep tissue mobilization within the Cellu M6® treatment head, with beauty, wellness, rehabilitation, sports and aesthetic medicine applications. LPG® techniques are non-aggressive and non-invasive, with no downtime and no known side effects.

Oceania Esthetics Studio offers two focal treatments for LPG endermologie in Kitchener-Waterloo:

    • For the body, LPG endermologie uses patented technology to simultaneously release stubborn localized fat while improving skin quality. Scientifically speaking, it acts directly on the adipocytes present in our hypodermis (slimming cells) and on the fibroblasts present in our dermis (rejuvenating cells).
    • For the face, LPG endermologie gives your skin a workout: it uses its motorized flaps to kickstart essential rejuvenating substances. This stimulates the cells which helps your fibroblasts produce more collagen for firmness, more elastin for suppleness, and more hyaluronic acid for volume and hydration.

Book your next LPG endermologie treatment with Oceania Esthetics Studio and experience our Oceania Difference!

LPG endermologie for the body.

These services help to smooth cellulite, reduce fat, and increase the firmness of your skin, all within 3 sessions!

  • 10 Session Package
    Get an amazing discount and purchase 10 sessions together (40 minute sessions each). You'll receive 1 body suit as well!
  • 40 minutes

LPG endermologie for the face

Proven results in just over 1 session: 87% smoother wrinkles, 70% firmer skin, 80% more hyaluronic acid, 2x better radiant complexion!

  • 10 Session Package
    Get an amazing discount and purchase 10 sessions together (30 minute sessions each)
  • 20 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 60 minutes

Experience LPG Endermologie